7 benefits of flameless candles

Candles are a fantastic way to light up a room as they create a lovely ambiance and relaxed atmosphere around the house. However, with candles come certain risks which can have disastrous consequences, hence the rise of flameless candles. Besides looking as good as the real thing, flameless candles have become increasingly popular over the years as they are so easy and versatile to use. They are also great as a decorative item as they add instant style. Here are seven reasons why flameless candles are generating more momentum.

1. I’m on fire―You never have to worry again about knocking over a candle or forgetting to blow it out before you go to bed. You can still create a cosy atmosphere with battery operated candles, but without the risk of accidentally setting the house on fire!

2. Safety zone―Most flameless candles use LED technology and while they are made of real wax, they will never get too hot to handle. This means no more yelling at your kids for touching a burning candle or chasing after your dog running around the house.

3. Money saver―If you are looking to save money flameless candles are the right choice for you. There is no need to buy a new candle when it stops burning, all you need to do is replace or recharge the batteries and you are ready to go.

4. Health hazard―No toxins or harmful chemicals are distributed with flameless candles. Place them in a kid’s bedroom as a decorative item or use as a light when they are afraid of the dark without having to worry about it impacting your child’s health.

5. Anywhere, anytime―Flameless candles can be used in any location whether it rains, hails or shines, so start planning that picnic now! They can also be used, for example, in an office building where real flames are not permitted.

6. It doesn’t melt―Even though flameless candles are made from wax and look like a traditional candle, they don’t melt when burning. So they are easy to maintain and will keep your furniture clean with no harm of wax dripping onto your favourite rug.

7. On time―Better quality flameless candles now came with additional features such as fragrance, hand painting as well as timers to program the candle to turn on (and off) at a certain time, so if you are planning a romantic evening you can make sure the mood is set as soon as you step through the front door!

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